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BaleBuster1 - One Bale Package for convenience, ORGANIC formula

$12.99 $21.49

BaleBuster1 - is our 100% organic bale conditioning formula.

  • contains porcine blood meal, Trichoderma Reesei fungi, and bacillus subtilis bacteria.
  • safe for users and pets (even if a pet happens to eat some of it).
  • packaged in the perfect quantity for preparation of one bale.
  • enough material for season long application.
  • gardener needs to provide the bale of straw or hay and water. 
  • position bales in a sunny location, since vegetables love the sunshine. 
  • start the preparation of bales as early as 20 days prior to your AVERAGE last frost.
  • bales are ready to plant in approximately 18 days, depending on weather.
  • this material can and often does cause some unpleasant odor for a week or two and flies are attracted to the organic contents of the BaleBuster. 
  • this odor of decomposition is part of Mother Nature's normal process.
  • the odor can be unpleasant, so please purchase with this in mind.
  • anyone can be a great gardener by using BaleBuster1 to prepare their own organic vegetable garden.

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