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BaleBuster20 - TWENTY Bale Box with a Traditional NPK formulation

$42.99 $54.99

BaleBuster20® - TWENTY BALE BOX - 24 lb.

  • formulation that contains traditional nitrogen sources from refined products.
  • proprietary blend of Urea, Muriate of Potash and Di-Ammonium Phosphate. 
  • contains spores of a fungi Silrich EN Trichoderma Ressie, and live bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus megaterium. T
  • the fungi and bacteria are decomposers, that work in synergy with plant roots.
  • these microbes help plants absorb additional nutrients.
  • research proves these microbes also help to prevent certain common plant diseases.
  • these fungi and bacteria help speed the decomposition of the bales into compost
  • this formula is harmless to the skin of people or pets.
  • spread contents according to the instructions included.
  • BaleBuster plus water will prepare the bales to become a bountiful garden. Sprinkle-water-plant ... and watch your garden grow!

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